Here are some of the highlights of the new statement for active duty officers:
- In the upper left-hand area below your name you will see a summary of the demographic
data that is used to calculate your pay. You should review this information for
accuracy each pay cycle.
- The upper right-hand portion of the document is devoted to an expanded Important
Notes area where the Chief of the Compensation Branch will post general information
about this particular pay period. In addition, any changes to your specific pay
that occurred this month will be summarized in this area.
- The boxed, numerical portion of the statement is divided into three sub-sections:
- Compensation – These show the elements of pay that make up your gross total. There is one column (Earned) for this pay cycle and the far right shows your year-to-date total. Amounts for any pay element that you received earlier this pay year, but not this month, is listed in the year-to-date column only.
- Deductions – These list the categories of monies taken from your gross pay (other than taxes). They include pre-tax deductions such as Thrift Saving Program (TSP) and voluntary allotments for Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI), Veterans Educational Assistance Program (VEAP), Dental insurance, etc. Once again, there is a current (Taken) and year-to-date column.
- Taxes – Federal, State, and FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) withholdings are shown along with the subject wages used in the calculations.
- In the bottom left-hand corner the amount of your current net check and the year-to-date
total is shown. Below that is listed the distribution of your current pay along with the account numbers of the financial institutions to which the monies are being
This newly-formatted earnings statement will be mailed to you for the next several
months. When the Web-based, officer accessible phase of the new system is ready
to be rolled out, you will receive information on your earnings statement and through
direct mailing to assist you in accessing your online account. After determining
that this functionality is working successfully, a further determination will made
as to how best to transition from be mailed earnings statements to online distribution.
Though the earnings statement presents the information in a new and different format
from the legacy system, we feel it is an overall improvement. However, we would
like to hear your prospective on the changes. After you have had a chance to review
your February document, please feel free to either leave a voice mail message at
the Help Desk hotline at 301-594-0961 or send an email message to